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Friday, December 12, 2014

An interview with Leland Morrill, Navajo adoptee

CLICK HERE: AMERICAN INDIAN ADOPTEES: My interview with Leland Morrill, Navajo adoptee (click)

Weaving a new life: My conversation with Dine adoptee Leland Morrill 

There was a reason Indian leaders went to the Senate in the 1970s...

Leland Morrill (Navajo) met recently with Chai Feldblum, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity  Commissioner (at left), to discuss the Real ID Act of 2005 and how it affects Native Americans who are adopted without an original birth certificate, census number, or certificate of Indian blood. Lack of documentation now affects employment, Morrill said, creating a sub-class of "former" US Citizens who are unable to get work without a state issued driver’s  license. Morrill, who is an adoptee, and Feldblum are writing an amendment and will present it to Real ID Act of 2005 author, Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin).”

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